Why is Data Analytics Gaining HYPE in this Century?

Why is Data Analytics Gaining HYPE in this Century

Data analytics is the most demanded field in this Century. Data is now more valuable to industries than oil. Data is gathered in its unprocessed state, processed by business needs, and then used to inform decisions. This entire process aids in the company’s market expansion. But who will carry out this task? Who will handle data processing, etc? This blog explores why Data Analytics is gaining hype in this century.

Characteristics of Data Analysis

We have already seen the properties of Big Data, such as volume, velocity, and variety. Now, let’s examine some of the features of data analytics that set it apart from more conventional forms of analysis.

The following traits are present in data analysis:


Due to the size of the data, it could be necessary to develop a program for data analysis that uses code to change the data or perform any kind of investigation.


It denotes that, rather than specifying a sequence step-by-step, progress in an activity is driven by data, and program statements explain the data that match and the processing required. Many analysts base their analysis on hypotheses, which allows them to exploit the vast amounts of data at their disposal. An MBA Data Analytics in Chennai can provide you with the necessary skills to harness these data-driven methodologies, enabling them to turn complex data into actionable insights for strategic business decisions. This is one of the important Characteristics of Data Analysis.

Attributes Application

Data Analytics may use various qualities to analyze data correctly and accurately. With the advent of big data, analysts are now dealing with millions of observations and thousands of attributes compared to the hundreds of features or characteristics of the data source in the past.


Data analytics can be continuous by dividing the entire data set into samples for further examination. Increased processing power allows iterative modeling until data analysts are satisfied. Consequently, new programs handle the time constraints and requirements for analysis.

Data Analysis vs Reporting

Let’s explore the comparison of Data Analysis vs Reporting.

To propose action, an individual must first approach an issue, gather the information needed to discover an answer, analyze that information, and interpret the findings. 

Reports are called and executed in a reporting environment, often known as a business intelligence (BI) environment. The outputs are then produced in the format that is required. The process of arranging and condensing data in an understandable manner to convey crucial information is known as reporting. Organizations can analyze several performance areas and enhance customer satisfaction using reports. To put it another way, analysis turns information into insights, whereas reporting is the act of turning raw data into usable knowledge.

Why is Data Analytics Gaining HYPE in this Century?

The need of Data Analytics are as follows:

Fraud Detection & Risk Analytics

In banking, data analytics frequently investigates odd transactions and customer information. Banks also use data analytics to look at loan defaulters & credit scores for their customers in an effort to cut losses and stop fraud.

Enhancing Transportation Paths

Data analytics is a key component businesses like Ola and Uber use to optimize fares and itineraries for their clients. They employ an analytical platform that determines the optimal route and computes the percentage increase or decrease in taxi fares depending on several factors.

Delivering Improved Medical Care

With the use of data analytics, hospitals and other healthcare facilities can forecast the early start of chronic diseases. They can foresee illnesses that may arise and assist patients in acting early to save costs associated with medical care. This is an important need of Data Analytics.

Controlling Energy Use

Public-sector energy utilities use data analytics to monitor energy consumption and manage business operations. Based on usage patterns, they are optimizing energy supply to lower expenses and minimize energy consumption. Similarly, digital marketing strategies help businesses in Chennai enhance their online presence and engagement through targeted campaigns and data-driven insights, as taught in an MBA Digital Marketing in Chennai

Enhancing Search Outcomes

Businesses like Google employ data analytics to show people search results tailored to their interests and search history. Moreover, businesses like Airbnb leverage search analytics to offer their clients the finest lodging options. Additionally, Amazon uses search analytics to give customers recommendations.

Streamlining of Transportation

Many businesses are using Big Data analytics to examine supply networks and reduce logistical delays. Businesses such as Amazon use consumer analytics to understand customers’ needs and deliver products to customers quickly. 

The hype around data analytics in this century is still ongoing. It’s a shift in how we understand and interact with the world. From businesses optimizing operations and enhancing customer experiences to healthcare providers predicting patient outcomes and cities becoming smarter and more efficient, data analytics is revolutionizing every sector. In this blog, we discovered the Characteristics of Data Analytics, comparison of Data Analytics and Reporting and need of Data Analytics. You can learn more about Data Analytics in the leading  MBA Colleges in Chennai.

Authored by Priya S.

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